City / County / State

A core area of expertise for the firm is to conduct studies of entire city and county organizations, as well as agencies at the state level, bringing in subject matter experts from a wide range of fields to provide detailed analysis in each area.

Click on a subject area below to learn more about the services we provide and view samples of our work:

City and County

Organizational assessments

Studying organizations in their entirety allows for a focused evaluation of the linkages between functions

The interaction between different areas of an organization can be critical to their success, such as the role that human resources plays in keeping police department positions filled. These studies also provide a neutral assessment of all functions in an agency.

The Matrix Consulting Group has worked with scores of local government entities to evaluate this cross organizational impacts, improve business processes through streamlining and technology, and to prioritize the best use of resources now and into the future.

Case Study: Greenbelt, Maryland

Strategic planning

Developing long-range strategic plans enable organizations to focus resources on their highest priorities

The development of clear and prioritized goals, as well as actionable and implementable objectives, enables organizations to effectively make decisions on resource allocations. Additionally, doing so ensures a focus on the highest-priority issues facing communities.

Staffing analysis

Determining the number of staff required to provide an appropriate level of service is an important question for managers, elected officials, and the public

Few government entities are where they were before the Great Recession. Even in jurisdictions with strong revenue growth, decisions regarding resource needs need to be made with facts and an objective assessment of service needs.

This is a core service provided by the Matrix Consulting Group – we provide a fact-based and independent assessment of each client we work with. It is critical that these assessments reflect the unique nature of each client, and are not solely based on comparative analysis.

Management analysis

Resource and service management is just as important as the resources themselves

Without effective management, resources may not be effectively utilized, deployed properly, responsive to customer needs, or operate in a transparent and accountable manner.

The Matrix Consulting Group’s skills are based on experience as consultants and local government managers, as well as a thorough knowledge of organizational management best practices.

We also assist in the identification and use of technical resources to assist in performance management internally and externally.

Customer service

Public satisfaction is the ultimate test of service effectiveness

Determining public satisfaction is a process employed by Matrix Consulting Group in most of our studies through surveys and town hall meetings, as well as by evaluating the steps taken by our clients to understand the needs of the public and support transparency.

Shared services

Alternatives to traditional service delivery should be explored, including both internal and external shared services

Shared services are not one thing – they are a continuum ranging from cooperative agreements to functional or complete organizational consolidation of services through inter-local agreements or contracts for service.

The Matrix Consulting Group has worked with local government clients for decades on service delivery alternatives. Key issues to consider include a balance of service customization with consistency and efficiency, as well as considerations relating to governance and cost allocation.

Case Study: Reno / Washoe County


Administrative services

High performing administrative services are critical to the ability of the entire State organization to operate effectively

State operations that directly provide services to the resident are often dependent upon the centralized administrative services (such as Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, Information Technology) to accomplish their mission.

Evaluations of administrative services can identify ways to enhance service to their customers and reduce service delivery timeframes. Administrative Services should develop a partnership approach with the other State entities focused on meeting their operational needs while maintaining full compliance with applicable state regulations.

Case Study: Missouri Department of Conservation

Organizational and staffing analysis

Comprehensive evaluations of a Department or Office provides an objective assessment of how well it is currently operating and meeting its service goals

As fiscal constraints limit the ability to increase budgets coupled with increasing public expectations regarding service provision, gaining greater value out of the existing allocations becomes more critical. Staffing evaluations are based upon an in-depth review of workloads, existing or desired service levels, and technology utilization.

A comprehensive objective evaluation of business processes can identify organizational and regulatory impediments to efficient service delivery. An evaluation of workload can identify appropriate staffing levels for each function and opportunities to reallocate staffing to enhance service levels.

Case Study: Vermont Secretary of State